Picoctf Verify (forensics) (easy) Writeup
Hey there!
In this writeup, I will solve the picoCTF Verify Forensics challenge.
When I open the folder, we are greeted by 3 things:
And files
When we look in the decrypt.sh
file, we find the following code:
# Check if the user provided a file name as an argument
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Expected usage: decrypt.sh <filename>"
exit 1
# Store the provided filename in a variable
# Check if the provided argument is a file and not a folder
if [ ! -f "/home/ctf-player/drop-in/$file_name" ]; then
echo "Error: '$file_name' is not a valid file. Look inside the 'files' folder with 'ls -R'!"
exit 1
# If there's an error reading the file, print an error message
if ! openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 100000 -salt -in "/home/ctf-player/drop-in/$file_name" -k picoCTF; then
echo "Error: Failed to decrypt '$file_name'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!"
When we look in the checksum
file, we are greeted by the following sha512 checksum:
And ls’ing into the files
folder gives us this:
Lets Solve this.
I made a python script with the debugging help of chatGPT to make this script that iterates every file in the files folder with the
openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 100000 -salt -in "/home/ctf-player/drop-in/$file_name" -k picoCTF;
command as shown here:
import os
def run_bash_script_on_files(folder_path, bash_script_path):
"""Runs a bash script on each file in a specified folder.
folder_path: The path to the folder containing the files.
bash_script_path: The path to the bash script to run.
for file in os.listdir(folder_path):
file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
command = f"{bash_script_path} {file_path}"
# Check for decryption error
if os.system(f"openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 100000 -salt -in '{file_path}' -k picoCTF") != 0:
print(f"Error: Failed to decrypt '{file_path}'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!")
print(f"Found! {file_path}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
folder_path = "./files" # Replace with the actual folder path
bash_script_path = "./decrypt.sh" # Replace with the actual script path
run_bash_script_on_files(folder_path, bash_script_path)
Running the script, like so, our output will look like this:
Error: Failed to decrypt './files/QNPhWoha'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!
Error: './files/JJxoEHaC' is not a valid file. Look inside the 'files' folder with 'ls -R'!
bad magic number
Error: Failed to decrypt './files/JJxoEHaC'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!
Error: './files/OX3IlkB9' is not a valid file. Look inside the 'files' folder with 'ls -R'!
bad magic number
Error: Failed to decrypt './files/OX3IlkB9'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!
Error: './files/dINee6RV' is not a valid file. Look inside the 'files' folder with 'ls -R'!
bad magic number
Error: Failed to decrypt './files/dINee6RV'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!
Error: './files/bIl1SDxK' is not a valid file. Look inside the 'files' folder with 'ls -R'!
bad magic number
Error: Failed to decrypt './files/bIl1SDxK'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!
Error: './files/ffw8WXYD' is not a valid file. Look inside the 'files' folder with 'ls -R'!
bad magic number
Error: Failed to decrypt './files/ffw8WXYD'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!
Error: './files/Oq8kRa6b' is not a valid file. Look inside the 'files' folder with 'ls -R'!
bad magic number
Error: Failed to decrypt './files/Oq8kRa6b'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!
Error: './files/YG1pCKDt' is not a valid file. Look inside the 'files' folder with 'ls -R'!
bad magic number
Error: Failed to decrypt './files/YG1pCKDt'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!
Error: './files/st6t5Khc' is not a valid file. Look inside the 'files' folder with 'ls -R'!
bad magic number
Error: Failed to decrypt './files/st6t5Khc'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!
Error: './files/oaOPzO00' is not a valid file. Look inside the 'files' folder with 'ls -R'!
bad magic number
Error: Failed to decrypt './files/oaOPzO00'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!
Error: './files/q2yrfUO0' is not a valid file. Look inside the 'files' folder with 'ls -R'!
bad magic number
Error: Failed to decrypt './files/q2yrfUO0'. This flag is fake! Keep looking!
Error: './files/e018b574' is not a valid file. Look inside the 'files' folder with 'ls -R'!
Found! ./files/e018b574
Hope you enjoyed this Writeup, See you next time!